How to Navigate Contract Disputes: RMMI Presentation

On July 21st, 2021, Galvanize Law founding partners January Allen and M. Kate Strauss presented “When Sh*t Hits the Fan: How to Navigate Contract Disputes” for the Rocky Mountain Masonry Institute. In their presentation, they discussed hypothetical legal scenarios including situations involving multiple mobilizations, direct payments by general contracts to suppliers, deviations in work by prior trades (specifically, substrate slope and type), and change directives without change orders. They provided key tips for attendees on handling their own contract disputes, including identifying and discussing problematic provisions when negotiating a contract, being proactive about communications with contracting parties at the commencement of the project, and keeping their own organization informed about contract requirements.

If you have any questions about the presentation or would like to discuss your organization’s contracts, or contract disputes, please contact January or Kate.


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Colorado Bar Association Real Estate Symposium