Contracting for Success: Understanding Risk Allocation in Contracts Presentation Recap

On Wednesday, November 16, 2022, Galvanize Law Group hosted a Lunch and Learn at Tradecraft Industries on Contracting for Success: Understanding Risk Allocation in Contracts. Galvanize Law shared contract negotiation tips and specific contract clauses for risk allocation, including COVID supply chain delays and price escalation provisions. For a copy of the PowerPoint presentation, click here. For a recording of the presentation or questions on this topic, please email Carley Jamieson.

Galvanize Law hosts events and speaking engagements to help its clients and construction industry professionals improve their businesses and day to day operations, including how to run your own business, improve your success, protect yourself in the future, and how to be a better businessperson and entrepreneur. Our lawyers regularly speak and lecture about the intersection of law and business. If you are interested in having an attorney speak at your engagement, contact us here.


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